Hi there! I’m Alex Malblanc, a product and mechanism designer from Cincinnati, Ohio. My portfolio is stuffed to the brim with whimsical, goofy toys! It’s fun to look at, I know. But each product also represents not only a way to play, but a solution to a problem. From identified opportunity spaces to the implementation of novel technologies, I always find a way to make products stand out.

My career in toys reflects my personality; I’m a light-hearted, playful person who take my work very seriously!

When I’m not making toys, I’m an avid rock climber, and a competitive freestyle street dancer. Under my dance Pseudonym of “Prototype”, I am a co-founder of Chicago’s premiere Popping and Animation Crew, Shadow Puppetz, through which I organize dance battles, practices, and classes throughout the city.

Let’s make incredible things together!

(513) 253-1668